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Obsolete Robots
Synth Pop / Indie Electronic
Genre-defying musician Chris Aschenbrand is making bold waves with fresh sounds and new ideas as he teases his latest project Obsolete Robots. Based in Boston, he specializes in guitar, with 18 years experience of performing and passionately exploring genres as diverse as indie rock, experimental prog, jazz, metal, and hip hop.

His love for music blossomed at a tender age, having been inspired to pick up his sister's acoustic guitar after listening to her sing and play piano around the house. From there he hasn't looked back, taking up the instrument himself and performing in an eclectic range of bands, and later pursuing and graduating a music performance degree at UMass Lowell.

His latest project Obsolete Robots explores and focuses upon mental health issues, especially the relatable battle with anxiety. Having found movement and musical immersion a key in overcoming it, his music encourages dancing and losing yourself, whilst resonating the message that you are never alone. He explains in his own words "It's okay to not be okay. You are not alone in dealing with the issues you are dealing with so let's be present in the moment and dance!" The sound is eclectic and danceable, infusing indie electronic vibes with influences from artists Washed Out, Roosevelt, Toro y Moi, and Neon Indians. His first three singles are set for release throughout the rest of 2021, marking the start of an exciting new chapter for the artist.

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Photo by Jonathan Formento from Pexels
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